November 16, 2017 Tank

Website Launch Promo!

In celebration of the the official launch of Printing by Tank – Design Print Canberra, we are offing an awesome discount on graphic design until the end of the year.

Until the end of the year, get great graphic design discounts bundled with any print product or package valued over $100.

Get 10% (up to a maximum 50%) discount on all graphic design work (minimum 1h) when you spend over $100 on any print products with Printing by Tank – Design Print Canberra.

Discount calculated at 10% per $100 spent on print products or per hour graphic design on a single job batch up to a maximum of 50% ($500 or 5h design work, which ever is greatest). Offer valid until midnight 31 Dec 2017. Offer valid for unlimited use per customer. Must quote ‘WebsiteLaunchOffer’ to be eligible for the special deal.

Don’t miss out on this great offer while it is available.
e want you to celebrate with us as we celebrate our progress.

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